Representative Engagements

Startup CEO: Start up company in the home improvement retail space. In the role of president, led business plan development, negotiated patent, contract manufacturing, and multiple distribution agreements.  Arranged test-market in multi-billion dollar big-box retailer and was selected for presentation to buyers at more than one national hardware chain.

Startup Diligence: Asked to look at startup business in preparation for early stage funding round.  Examined value proposal for company's energy savings device for use in industrial scale data centers.  My team examined technology, tested the engineering hypothesis and disproved company's initial value proposition.  Company was able to re-examine business plan and change proposal for customers in preparation for next funding round.

Strategy Development: Corporate strategy reviews for various middle market companies. Engagements use methodical analysis to examine clients' current strategic position, identify risks, and recommend future areas of growth.  Rigorous process includes two key steps, assessment and recommendations. The assessment combines multiple inputs which can include: financial and operational analysis, site visits, market data review, and interviews with company leadership, customers, vendors, or market participants.  Data gathered during assessment fuels option development and guides final recommendations aligned with clients' objectives.